Home Inspections In Kansas: Everything You Need to Know

Wondering what will the home inspector do during a home inspection in Kansas? 

Home inspections is one of the most crucial steps while purchasing or selling property. Besides, knowing what’s wrong with your home can save you from a lot of costly projects down the road.

Our in-depth guide delves into everything you need to know about home inspections, covering topics such as water damage, structural damage, mold, plumbing issues, and more.

Ready for some insightful tips? Read on!

Magnifying Glass Over House For Home Inspection

Key Takeaways

What is a Home Inspection Report?

A home inspection report is a comprehensive assessment carried out by a qualified professional to identify potential issues such as water damage, structural damage, mold presence, plumbing problems, outdated electrical systems, unsafe decks, and everything else that can pose a hazard to your day-to-day life.

Its significance in Kansas is underscored by the need for homeowners to safeguard their investments and guarantee the safety of their households.

Importance of home inspections in Kansas

A home inspection is great if you’re in the home buying process or you’re just looking to reevaluate your home’s appraisal value. Inspections offer you valuable insights into your home, and they should take place at least once every 2 – 3 years.

Whenever you’re remodeling or building something on your property, it’s mandatory to schedule a home inspection to ensure everything is built according to plan.

Home Inspection Cost In Kansas

The cost of a home inspection in Kansas ranges between $350 – $400, with an average cost of $370.

What Does a Professional Home Inspection Cover in Kansas?

In Kansas, a home inspection includes evaluation of potential water and structural damage, presence of mold, detection of plumbing issues, checking for outdated electrical systems as well as assessing safety conditions like unsafe decks.

General home inspection

A general home inspection keeps your home safe. It helps to find hidden problems that could burden you. The building inspection engineers will home with a home inspection checklist and ensure your home is safe to live in or safe to sell.

Specialized inspections

In Kansas, home inspections are not only about the general state of the house. There are special checks too. Here is a list of those checks:
Home Inspection In Kansas

What Happens During a Home Inspection in Kansas?

In Kansas, the home inspection process begins with a thorough examination of the property’s exterior for potential issues like structural damage and unsafe decks followed by an in-depth interior check to uncover hidden problems such as water damage, mold, plumbing issues, and outdated electrical systems.

Once complete, inspectors compile their findings into a comprehensive report that guides homeowners on requisite action steps.

Process and procedures

A home inspection in Kansas has clear steps. Here’s how it works:

  1. It starts with a call to book an inspector.
  2. Next, the inspector comes to the house on a set date and time.
  3. The inspector takes around two to three hours to check the house from top to bottom.
  4. Inside, they look for water damage, structural issues, and mold.
  5. They also check for plumbing problems and old electrical systems.
  6. Outside, they assess the roof and make sure decks are safe.
  7. They take notes of everything they notice.
  8. After all that, they make a report about what they found in the house.
  9. This report comes back to the homeowner soon after the inspection is done.
  10. Lastly, based on what’s in the report, homeowners can fix things that matter most.

Report and follow-up actions

After the home inspection, you will get a report. This paper tells about water damage, structural damage or outdated electrical system problems. It also shows if there is mold or plumbing issues.

Next comes follow-up actions. Talk to experts for big troubles like unsafe decks or major repairs in the house’s structure. Small ones can be handled by yourself or a local handyman.

If you’re planning to sell the home, your real estate agent will get in touch with you to tell you what went well with the inspection report and what you need to work on. Be careful when working with real estate agents, though, and find someone reliable that you can fully trust.


Home inspections in Kansas are a sure way to keep your house safe and sound. They help find water damage, mold, plumbing issues, outdated electrical systems, structural damage and unsafe decks.

Whenever you’re doing a remodel, you’ll 100% need to have a home inspector come and see if the building project goes according to plan. These are highly important, otherwise you’ll be required to tear everything down and start again.

With Mortise & Miter, we’re taking care of your home inspection and your remodel from start to finish. We know most home inspectors in Kansas City, and we’re always on the lookout for things that’ll cause us problems. We want you to be completely safe in your home, and we’ll dedicate ourselves to make it happen.


A home inspection is when an expert looks at the house to find problems before you buy it.
You should get a home inspection in Kansas to know if there are any big issues with the house before you buy it.
Home Inspectors do the inspections in Kansas; they check homes for any major issues or damages.
A normal size, simple house takes about two to three hours for an inspection.
Yes, you can be present while your future house gets inspected by professionals.